
Thursday, 25 July 2019

Mission Day Word art-by Amiel

What is mission day? The Mission Sister found S.t Patrick School.We Began to help people how can't help there self. and we bring money to buy stuff and the staff count and they give it to the poor people.

Here is a link where I did this word art! THE LINK Here you go.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Amiel, ko Grace taku ingoa, nō te kura o Karoro ahau.

    I really like the colours you chose for your word art. I also like the font you chose because it was easy to read. I thought that you did a great job on your word art and it was clear and easy to read.

    Your work reminded me of when I used word art to create a picture for the ski trip my class went on. The shape I chose was a person on skis. I also used the same colours as you.

    Next time you could read through your work before to make sure it makes sense. Next time should make sure that you only have capitals at the start of sentences and on the names of places and people. How come you chose to use word art for this piece of work?


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