
Monday, 28 February 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

Click here

to visit my new blog

and see the next stage of my learning journey.

Comments are closed here. Please comment on my new blog.

Thursday, 20 January 2022

The End Of The Summer Learning Journey-By Amiel

 The End Of The Summer Learning Journey

It has been an awesome 6 weeks blogging, posting and commenting. This is one of my best year doing the Summer Learning Journey and hopefully the next year will be even better! I had lot's of fun during these times and I hope anybody who participate on the Summer Learning Journey had fun too! Anyways here are my things I wanna reflect during those 6 weeks. 

Which activity you enjoyed the most and why-My favourite activity was making boats because i learn how buoyancy works and I just like making my one stuff by using tape and other random things.

Something you found challenging or tricky-I think what I found the most challenging is some of the instructions on some activity, I found it hard to understand, but it still get the job done so thats the important bit.

Three things that you learned during the Summer Learning Journey-Making my own stuff (Like Boats), expand my commenting skills and learning to have fun while your at home.

What would you like to see more of next year... we're keen to hear your ideas.- for the future I think a Leader board would be nice, but for now I have no other suggestions.

This has been an awesome Summer Learning Journey and I hope everybody had fun!

Anyways Thank you for the people who set up the activity for us or people behind the scenes without you guys we wouldn't have this.

Thank You and have an awesome 2022

Thursday, 13 January 2022

Silly Algebra-By Amiel

 Silly Algebra

I'm back once more to do task's at the Summer Learning Journey, for this task we are gonna use simple algebra but with silliness. For this task i use google drawing to draw and create so I can accomplish my task, if you don't what's a silly algebra, here a template by somebody in the Summer Learning Journey staff's.


It's a nicely done template. I use some of his ideas to create my work, but anyways here is my work.

(My Work)

Thursday, 6 January 2022

Geometrical Animal Art-By Amiel

 Geometrical Animal Art

Is nearly the end of the week and we have new a task for today. For this task I'm am gonna make a Geometrical Animal Art, if you don't know what is a Geometrical art, Geometrical art is form of art that is inspired by using geometry, it is design by using lot's of lines, circle, squares and rectangles, you can find more info or pictures by searching it up in google or just clicking this link (Click Here). For this art I made a horse, it is very simple and it's a decent drawing in my opinion.

But anyways here it is:

Tuesday, 4 January 2022

Build A Boat 2-By Amiel (SLJ)

 Build A Boat 2

Happy late New Years, I'm back from my little break during the Christmas times and ready to do more Task's! For this new task or old task, I have to make a boat with recycle materiel, I chose this task to refresh my mind from my break and start something simple and easy. For this task I use 2 bottles, small plastic bag, 3 skewers (2 to connect the bottles and 1 for the mast), tape and a rope. Anyways here is the boat I made